Monday, August 22, 2011

Art Journaling

Well, I've debated posting this for over a week now. With the encouragement of blogging buddy, Dana, I'm jumping in. Notice I did not say diving because my attempt is more like a belly flop!

Art journaling - the words intrigue and terrify me. I so badly want to be an artist, but it is not something that was ever encouraged for me. I don't think I really have an eye for it and definitely have no training.  But this art journal... wow... a way to release those thoughts/emotions that I have no words for. Wow. It never occurred to me before I heard those words and it has stirred something deep within. Many times my thoughts are very abstract and I have trouble putting words to them. Writing helps... talking does not. I also have Fibromyalgia... I will spare you the details, but one of the symptoms that is very strong for me is "brain fog" or "fibro fog." I don't think on my feet well. Can't make quick decisions easily. I tend to just shut down under stress or pressure. And the biggest issue... word finding. You know how a word can be on the tip of your tongue but you just can't think of it? That times a thousand. Every sentence, especially when talking to a stranger. Even just mundane words. Most of the time, all I can get is the first letter. Then, I'm playing charades... "you know, that word that starts with 'A'"..."you mean 'and'?"... "YEAH, THAT'S IT!" Yes, it really is that ridiculous. This is why art journaling intrigues me so.

I tend to learn by example. I copy others until I understand and can put my own spin on it. I love Christy Tomlinson's She Art and I really hope I can take her class at some point. She also has an art journaling class I want to take. While my page is a far, far cry from Christy's work, her stuff was in my head, along with a million other people's. (Check out my Pinterest Art and Art Journaling Board.)

Here are some links that have helped me get started.
Dana's Inspirations
Daisy Yellow
Roben Marie
Patter Cross

I've been researching and drooling and wishing for over a month now. I've gessoed over my work twice. It has taken me a week to post. With great fear and trepidation... here it is. Please be gentle. :)

I'm thinking of doing this 30 Days of Lists. I thought it might be helpful to get my art journal some substance without too much thought. I don't need anything hindering me at this point. :)

I want to say a big thanks to Dana for being such an encourager. You have no idea how much! :)

Some of the supplies used include:
Acrylic paints (the cheapo kind)
Stamps from Stretch N' Bubbles, The Craft's Meow, Hero Arts
Random dictionary pages (who uses the actual book anymore?)
Sharpie Marker
Bic Mark It markers
I couldn't leave out my singed flower.

Bonus points if you know the book I'm referring to, lol. :)

I'm entering this into Jan's Link Party over at She's Gone Digital. Thanks so much for letting me know about it Jan!


*Alison* said...

Oh wow.. I think she is wonderful.. :) I LOVE this.. I am so touched you used a SNB image in your art journal.. :) you are way talented..:) I love the colors too :) Hugs

Hannelie said...

Great job , Heather, I love it !

Cheryl said...

It's beautiful! Good for you trying something new. I hope to see more.

Jan Hunnicutt said...

Heather I think your art journal layout is fabulous! I debated with myself just like you have over being qualified to art journal, etc.

I'm so glad I jumped in to art journaling. It's a nice creative outlet for me to make something just for the pleasure of doing it and trying something new. I've given myself permission and I hope you will too :)

I'd created a link party on my blog for art journal pages each Thursday just for fun and inspiration. I'd like to invite you to add your art journal pages, here's a link for you:

Have a wonderful day! Jan

Jan Hunnicutt said...

Me again :) Thanks for joining the link party on my blog!

storybeader said...

I got into art journaling about a year ago. I'm more of a writer than an artist, and I write every day on half a page, using everyday things, a ticket or stub, for my jumping off point.

I would suggest taking one of the workshops on Art Journaling Ning - check it out">art journaling it's all good!

You'll find it very freeing {:-D

Cathy P in AZ said...

I too am a struggling art journalist! :) I can write up a storm but give me different mediums and an abstract thought and I panic! I have to say your journal is FABULOUS. It's artsy, it's thoughtful, it's colorful - it's YOU. I keep telling myself that every time I post a journal page to my blog. So never fear - you have a fan and supporter! TFS!